Renewing your vows is a wonderful way to reaffirm your love for each other, and the promises you made on your wedding day.  It is a chance to revisit memories, reflect on how far you have come as a couple, and to consolidate your hopes and dreams for the future.

Unlike a marriage ceremony, there is no legal component to the service, but they tend to follow a similar format.

Vow renewals can be used to celebrate a special occasion (such as a wedding anniversary or the significant birthday of one or both parties) or for simply no reason at all other than to celebrate continued love!!

It can also be a significant ceremony for a married couple that may have gone in different directions, but have found their way back together again and want to recommit to each other once more.

Similar to a wedding, the first step is to get in touch with me so a perfect ceremony can be created and personalised just for you.

I will get to know you both, your story and your journey together.  I will see you if you want to involve others in the ceremony such as members of your original wedding party, or your children or grandchildren.  You might like to include the same vows, readings, or songs you had for your wedding, or you may like to select new ones that have significant meaning for the life you have shared since then.

The possibilities are endless!

My commitment will be to make it a memorable, happy occasion for you both, celebrating and honouring your love!

If a Vow Renewal Ceremony is something you would like or that you are considering, please contact me and let’s have a chat about it!